Claire Murray

I'm a strategic visual designer from London. I work primarily across visual design, UX and branding to craft creative digital experiences. I believe the best design solutions are fit for purpose, communicate with clarity and inspire results.


Alamy are the world's largest stock image library. Selected UI and visual design work from a long standing creative relationship with marketing and web development team.


Jelly are an animation and illustration agency in London. Branding evolution work and digital design.

Cockpit Arts

Cockpit Arts is an award winning business incubator for craftspeople, and a registered charity. Over the past 5 years I have worked on everything from a complete UX and visual overhaul of cockpitarts.com to leading their ongoing seasonal marketing creative.


Manything is a camera monitoring app with live feeds, unlimited recording, motion detection and clip sharing. I crafted their very first app UI, delivering the simplest possible user experience, for a sophisticated video app.


Clarks are a global footwear retailer based in Somerset, England. I worked closely with their go-to-market team for a 4 year period on their trade communications. My role covered strategy, creative direction and design delivery for global marketing assets.

Please get in touch for additional work samples, or just to say hi. I currently work with the lovely people at Red Badger.